Best Tarot and Oracle Decks For Money

In this article, we explore the best decks for delving into themes of money and wealth.

There are vast array of tarot decks, numbering in the thousands and beyond! While any deck can delve into various themes or questions, selecting a deck that aligns thematically with your situation, in my opinion, strengthens your bond with the cards and enriches your readings, whether through intuitive or traditional methods.

With this in mind, I’ve selected what I believe to be the best decks for wealth and money matters. Whether seeking clarity in your career choices, exploring the your money mindset, or simply drawn to divine guidance, these decks illuminate the complexities of wealth in our lives.

The images used in this post are decorative only and do not represent the tarot and oracle decks listed. For a view of the cards in each deck, please click on the links which will take you to an external source.

If you’re keen to learn more about how to transform your money mindset using tarot, you will enjoy reading Tarot for Money by Kat Elmwood – includes a long list of money related tarot spreads.

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The Clarity Deck

The Clarity Deck is a wonderful tool with which to navigate the unique complexities of our modern world.

Comprising 78 cards depicting rich imagery drawn from various cultures by Kait Matthews, this deck features card associations for “yes” and “no,” along with keywords for money matters, as well as love.

Get The Clarity Deck here.

The Money and Career Oracle

If you’re interested in using cartomancy to read for matters of finance, then The Money and Career Oracle might be just what you need. With 54 cards, this modern deck is illustrated with a range of striking money related images that will guide your thinking on your path to wealth.

Get The Money and Career Oracle here.

Money And The Law of Attraction Oracle

Created by manifestation gurus, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Money and The Law of Attraction Oracle is one of the most popular money related oracle decks currently available. Each of the 60 cards in this deck, features gently striking art along with uplifting affirmations to get your mindset in the right place to clear your money blocks and bring more wealth into your life.

Get The Money And The Law of Attraction Oracle here.

Gold Foil Tarot

What better way to get your mind in the right space for thinking about wealth that reading with a deck of gold foil cards. This full 78 card deck features vivid modern colorings of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and makes for a striking addition to your deck collection.

Get the Gold Foil Tarot here.

The Alchemical Visions Tarot

This bold and complex deck by Arthur Taussig might not appear on the surface to have anything to do with wealth or money, but this deck is all about the hidden meanings, the subconscious awakening, and transformation of the self. The original alchemists attempted to turn base metals into gold and that’s what this deck is offering to do with the mind- turn it from the everyday into a source of wealth in every sense.

Get The Alchemical Visions Tarot here.

Kat Elmwood
Kat Elmwood (she/her) has been a practicing tarot reader for over thirty years and has had a deck on hand for every life stage. Kat is an author in multiple genres (fiction and nonfiction) under multiple pennames, an artist, a mother, and many other titles.